General terms and conditions of sale

All deliveries and sales transactions of our products are subject to Kuki Buki's General Terms and Conditions of Sale, available on our website: For any deviation from these Terms and Conditions or regulations to be binding on the Seller, they must be confirmed by us in writing.

1. Returnable packaging belongs to Kuki Buki, located at 123 Exemplary Street, 00-000 Township.

2. The buyer is obliged to return empty return packages intact, taking into account normal signs of use, as soon as possible - directly to the registered office of Kuki Buki or by handing them over at the next delivery of products.

3. In the event of failure to return the returnable packaging within a period of not more than 60 days or in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in the returnable packaging agreement, Kuki Buki, acting pursuant to § 19 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of May 25, 2005. on tax refunds to certain taxpayers, advance tax refunds, the issuance of invoices, the manner of their storage and the list of goods and services to which exemptions from goods and services tax do not apply (Journal of Laws No. 95, item 798, as amended), will issue a VAT invoice for the unreturned packaging, valuing it at the value of the deposit specified on the original VAT invoice.

4. The Kuki Buki Company reserves the right to assert claims in the event of failure to return the rented packages within the period specified above, which shall remain its property.

5. Kuki Buki Company has the option to repurchase returnable packages that have not been returned within 60 days or in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the package return agreement. In this case, the company may issue a VAT invoice in accordance with the conditions set forth in Section 3, offering to repurchase the packages at a price representing 50% of their value as indicated in the invoice issued by the Seller.

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